“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and the shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman
Summer Solstice is that auspicious time of year when the sun dances past its bedtime. In radiance and glory it shines longer than any other day all year in the Northern Hemisphere. June 21st marks the first day of summer this year, a day to celebrate the LIGHT!
Summer Solstice can fall between June 20th – 22nd and is also referred to as Midsummer, even though it is just the beginning of the summer season. Solstice is derived from the Latin words Sol (sun) and Sistere (to stand still). Indeed the sun seems to stand still as it shines its light for a day that seems to have almost no end.
Following Spring Equinox, a celebration of renewal and rebirth, Summer Solstice is the time for growth. Thanks to our wondrous pollinators doing their magic with spring blossoms, the fruits of summer abound this time of year. The energetic shift from hopeful dreams to manifestation has occurred. Summer is the time to celebrate life growing all around us, wild and free.
3 Sun-Inspired Wellness Rituals to Thrive this Summer
The Ritual of Stretching to Find New Growth
Just as the grass grows before our very eyes in summertime, we are primed to stretch beyond our normal limits. Bright long days are the perfect motivation to emulate the life growing around us and explore new things. Give yourself permission to experience something new and even uncomfortable. Stretch as far as you think you can and then stretch just a bit more. Yoga at sunrise or sunset is a beautiful way to activate your inner and outer stretch while soaking in the radiance of the sun. Invite mental and emotional growth as you stretch your physical body. Plant some herbs on your porch or in your kitchen window and commemorate each new leaf that grows with a celebration of something you did to grow alongside it.
The Ritual of Playing to Integrate Joy into Wellness
Engage in full wellness and self care by giving yourself permission to play. Play is just as vital to our wellness as discipline is. Sunlight naturally elevates happy molecules in our bodies and minds, so we can catch the wave while it's already in motion for enhanced joy. Embrace those childhood memories that make you smile. Giving yourself permission to be silly and carefree is the quickest way to slow down time. Imagine the true elixir of eternal youth just might be activated through laughter. Laughing releases endorphins, which not only promote pleasure, they are also known to contribute to wellness through their interaction with our immune system. Invite laughter, adventure, and playful nostalgia into your life this summer. Freeze your favorite green drink into popsicles and slurp them up under the sun on your front porch or favorite outdoor spot in nature like you did when you were a kid. Let it melt down your neck and wash it off in a bubble bath before bed!
The Ritual of Harnessing Light to Glow from the Inside Out
Harness your light by taking a walk in the morning at sunrise or in the evening during golden hour. Feel the energy from the sun warming you from the outside in, and practice the intention of reflecting it back to the world from the inside out. Give yourself permission to just be. Be in the moment. Be in the light. Nourish your skin with antioxidant rich oils to soothe your skin after being in the glorious sunlight.
We recommend anointing yourself with Everlush, our Head-to-Toe Anointing oil. Feel the oils of Sunflower, Pomegranate, and Apricot Kernel Seed soaking into your skin as vibrantly as the sun. Activate a range of chakras (energy centers) throughout your body with each breath of the inspiring aroma. Sandalwood nourishes your root chakra, Rose opens your heart chakra, and Frankincense & Myrrh elevate your crown chakra. Glow from the inside out with the energy of the sun, the nourishment of these luscious oils, and the intention of you.
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